Pepin Hero Profile

All informations about Pepin



“He's a sustain hero. His main mechanics are health recovery and damage increase. He's a hero that's going to need a very tough frontline like Arthur, Arslam or even maybe Steed or Skanda and the like. His skill 5 creates a need for them to have high cast rate heroes in order to get the best out of the hero. His skill 8 already has a special synergy with heroes that have the ability to disarm. Because he has different needs and synergies, he can be both a very versatile hero and a hero that is difficult to get the best of him.” - Don

Its a Support hero, available at season Sx12, and it is on a High tier of power. He can lead Footmens troop type, and his skill priority it's usually: 8th - 6th - 7th. Pepin is a Back hero , and he can be placed on Middle.


Development: Standard
  • Standard: Classic hero development that require extra 3 copies to max the hero
  • Exclusive: Modern hero development, that is standard for exclusive heroes, last season heroes and new states, that require extra 34 copies.
  • Access: Standard
  • Standard: Classic hero recruiment, some just in-season.
  • Paid: Paid heroes that are able to be recruited ocasionally.
  • Royal: Paid heroes that are able to be recruited any time.
  • 23,100 bonus marching capacity for hero’s squad

    Skill type: Combat - Range: 4/Targets: 2 - 60% chance to deal 225% damage to 2 random enemy squads within the valid range and make the resistence of the squad -150% for 2 rounds. Effect can be stacked.

    Resistence +50%

    Might +50%

    Skill type: Combat - Range: 2/Targets: 2 - For every 6 combat skills cast by all squads of your side, 100% chance to increase the combat skill damage dealt by 3 random footman squad of your side within the valid range by 35% and applu a 'life steal' effect, allowing the said squad to use 15% of the damage dealt to restore the power of the squad lasting 1 round.

    Might +15%; Resist +15%, Dictator +250%, HP +15%

    Resistence +40%

    Skill type: Combat - Range: 4/Targets: 3 - For the first 3 rounds, 100% chance each round to restore some power of all squads of your side (recovery rate 40%) and apply a shield, making the damage taken -80% for the subsequent 1 time. Starting from round 4, 100% chance to cast the "Thunderstruck" skill once on the disarmed enemy squad.

    Last update: 2023-09-17 20:01:18
